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A New Era Of Self Governance

Netanyahu's Three-Step Plan for Gaza

A New Era of Self-Governance

In the wake of the recent conflict, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has put forth a three-step plan for the future of Gaza. This plan aims to restore self-governance to the region while ensuring the security of Israel and its citizens.

Step 1: Israeli Security Control

Under Netanyahu's plan, Israel will retain control over Gaza's security, including its borders, airspace, and territorial waters. This is seen as essential for preventing terrorist attacks and ensuring the safety of Israeli civilians living near the enclave.

Step 2: Economic Development

The plan also calls for the economic development of Gaza. This will involve investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. The goal is to create a more prosperous and stable economy that can provide jobs and opportunities for the people of Gaza.

Step 3: Political Reconciliation

The final step of the plan is to facilitate political reconciliation between Hamas, the militant group currently in control of Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority. This will involve negotiations aimed at forming a unity government that can represent the interests of all Palestinians.
