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Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning: A Whistleblower's Journey

From Soldier to Whistleblower

Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, born Bradley Edward Manning on December 17, 1987, is a renowned American activist and whistleblower. Once an intelligence analyst for the United States Army, Manning became a household name after leaking hundreds of thousands of confidential military and diplomatic documents to the website WikiLeaks in 2010.

A Controversial Legacy

Manning's actions sparked widespread controversy and debate. The subsequent trial and imprisonment drew international attention and raised questions about government transparency, national security, and the ethics of whistleblowing. After serving seven years of a 35-year sentence, Manning was granted clemency by President Barack Obama in 2017.

Since her release, Manning has emerged as a vocal advocate for transgender rights, government accountability, and the free flow of information. Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of whistleblowers in exposing wrongdoing and holding those in power accountable.
